My subject for this project is Danny Kelly. He is a senior here at Washington State University studying political science with the hope of finding a job in his hometown, Chicago, Illinois. Kelly considers himself a bare necessities individual. He also has the items needed to make it through the day at the highest function, but rarely is caught red-handed with something extreme.
As you can see from the picture Kelly carries light. The one item he cannot live without though are his Air Pods. Music is a crucial part of his life and one of his main interests, so the Air Pods are a no question wherever he goes they go. Music allows him to open his mind and to distract him from the present when he needs a mental getaway. He is also a big walker and in Pullman with the campus and how often you are traveling by foot makes music extremely vital while living here.
His phone is the obvious thing that everyone carries and although it plays similar roles in everyone’s lives, he values at a level he feels is higher than most. He enjoys capturing the moment and where the iPhone camera has gotten to, he does not need a real camera. He likes remembering things and being able to relive certain times through the power of photography and video.
It is also the best form of communication. Keeping touch with family and friends is something he values extremely high. He believes that in comparison to the people around him whether that is friends or classmates, he talks with his family more than most. Kelly comes from a tight family that communicate on a regular basis. If his dad, brother, or mom calls he always wants to have his phone on him, so he does not miss the opportunity to communicate with the family. It also about friends for Kelly too. Danny enjoys his time the most when he is surrounded by his friends and the easiest way to find them and to be with them is by texting them. He enjoys the spontaneous texts asking to do some crazy fun stuff, but without his phone he could miss these moments.
Kelly also works while he is here in Pullman and constant communication is crucial for making sure you are always ready for work and in on time. His work has group chats that communicate hours and shifts that he could not fully operate without. A smartphone is also an amazing tool for school. Being able to check your email and canvas no matter where you are helps keep Danny in line.
Not pictured in the image above, but something he usually has, but I ran into Kelly on the weekend is his laptop. For obvious reasons the laptop is the most important piece of technology that a college student has. For Kelly and many others, they are nothing in Pullman without your laptop. He said that he spends so much time in front of his computer that it can feel like a second home sometimes. It is an item that he cannot live without. You cannot be a student in Pullman without it. Every teacher basis their class around the fact that each of their students will have laptops.
He also carries chargers for each of these devices every day because these items have no value without battery. It is a dilemma we all face so obviously Danny does too. He is always on top of keeping a charger with him but is super focused when it comes to an iPhone charger. He always has one. He knows the importance of his phone and does not want to miss anything due to a dead phone.